Saturday, August 27, 2011

Jonah Hex

I am bad at The Internet.

It is a tool for many things, and I am -in theory- utilizing it here for self promotion (Scientifical Fact: This is the third most popular use for The Internet, after 1) pornography & 2) saying stupid, thoughtless and/or mean things about other people), but doing a terrible job of it.

Which brings me to my point (it's 6:23 a.m., and I'm baking muffins; I shall not tarry): I believe I mentioned a while back that I had done some work assisting the great & powerful Mick Gray on a couple of books. The release of the first of those came and went with the first week of this month, and I forgot to say anything.

See? I'm bad at The Internet.

I shall now attempt to make up for my earlier transgression:

Jonah Hex #70!

I did fills & background inks on page 2!

Go buy it.


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