Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Several years ago I took to this personal challenge I called One Cigarette Funnies (O.C.F., for the sake of brevity). The idea being (as the name suggests) to do a one-panel, comical drawing, with caption, in the time it takes to smoke a single cigarette.

I've been coming across some old ones recently, and they are of uneven quality (much like the rest of life), but the high points really do tickle me.

They're bizarre, often even impenetrably weird,  but they are honest. The speed & utter lack of premeditation lends an absolute Purity of Weird.

I think they're hilarious.

I've started scanning them. The only changes made are cleaning up the whites & adjusting the contrast (scanning often perverts the flow of original drawings) & typing in the captions, for purposes of legibility.

So, without further blathering nonsense, here is the first public appearance of One Cigarette Funnies.

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