Saturday, August 27, 2011

Jonah Hex

I am bad at The Internet.

It is a tool for many things, and I am -in theory- utilizing it here for self promotion (Scientifical Fact: This is the third most popular use for The Internet, after 1) pornography & 2) saying stupid, thoughtless and/or mean things about other people), but doing a terrible job of it.

Which brings me to my point (it's 6:23 a.m., and I'm baking muffins; I shall not tarry): I believe I mentioned a while back that I had done some work assisting the great & powerful Mick Gray on a couple of books. The release of the first of those came and went with the first week of this month, and I forgot to say anything.

See? I'm bad at The Internet.

I shall now attempt to make up for my earlier transgression:

Jonah Hex #70!

I did fills & background inks on page 2!

Go buy it.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bonus Fun Time

YouTube is the fucking Devil. Let's just be clear on that, now.

Sure, it's not as sinister as "social networking" sites, but it's got a greater universal appeal, and it combines the glory of the internet's One True Purpose (everything at your fingertips, at all times), with an unparalleled capacity for feeding the two great human weaknesses for mind-numbing nonsense & anonymous cruelty.

That said, it gives people an outlet for some really funny ideas, however pointless. In the following video someone handed over a combination of two of my all-time favorite monsters, Cookie Monster, and Tom Waits: